Carey Conference 2019 (News Item)

Dr Letham

This appeared in
Evangelical Times

Some people may consider early January a bad time for a conference but for scores of years a group of men (and more recently women too) have gathered at the Hayes Conference, Swanwick, Derbyshire, for 48 hours or so of conference. Most of the hundred or so men present are Reformed Baptist ministers.
The main subject this year was the difficult but vital subject of the Trinity. It was good to have Dr Robert Letham with us again to faithfully guide us over the terrain. This was supplemented by papers from Jonathan Worsley (worship), David Campbell (holiness), Robert Strivens (Synod of Dort), Henry Dixon (prayer in the Spirit) and Jonathan Bayes (zeal for God's glory). The women's track was led by Ann Benton, mining rich veins in Proverbs. An excellent question and answer session covered all manner of subjects with contributions from the floor as well as speakers. It is hard to recall such a lively and worthwhile such session.
Highlights otherwise were the paper on holiness which stood out as it focussed on the holiness of Jesus and made you want to be holy rather than beating you up for not being holy. The first paper on the Trinity and the one on Dort also stood out. It would be worthwhile to seek out the recordings when available. A big thank you to the organisers and speakers and all who were present. It was good to chat informally and pick up news of the gospel's advance in various places.
It is planned to meet again, January 7-9, 2020 when it is hoped that the main speaker will be US pastor and seminary professor Jeffery Smith.